VTU Notes

The Complete 18ec35 | Computer Organization And Architecture Notes

  • 4.9
  • 2018 Scheme | ECE Department


VTU 18EC35 - Computer Organization and Architecture: Course Summary

Course Code: 18EC35

Course Title: Computer Organization and Architecture

University: Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)


"Computer Organization and Architecture" is a fundamental concept in the field of computer science and engineering. It involves the study of how computers are structured and how they function at the hardware level. This concept delves into the design and organization of various components within a computer system, such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices, and the interconnection between these components.

Computer Organization focuses on the physical aspects of a computer system, including the design of the CPU, memory hierarchy, data paths, and control units. It explores topics like instruction sets, addressing modes, and data representation.

Computer Architecture, on the other hand, deals with the logical aspects of a computer system. It encompasses the design and organization of the instruction set architecture (ISA), emphasizing how software interacts with hardware. This includes concepts like pipelining, caching, and parallel processing.

Understanding Computer Organization and Architecture is essential for computer engineers and programmers as it lays the foundation for optimizing system performance, designing efficient software, and developing advanced computing technologies. This knowledge helps in creating faster, more reliable, and energy-efficient computer systems, which are crucial in today's digital age.

What will you learn?


Basic Structure of Computers: Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Bus Structures, Software, Performance – Processor Clock, Basic Performance Equation (up to 1.6.2 of Chap 1 of Text). Machine Instructions and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and Characters, IEEE standard for Floating-point Numbers, Memory Location and Addresses, Memory Operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing (up to 2.4.6 of Chap 2 and 6.7.1 of Chap 6 of Text).


Addressing Modes, Assembly Language, Basic Input and Output Operations, Stacks and Queues, Subroutines, Additional Instructions (from 2.4.7 of Chap 2, except 2.9.3, 2.11 & 2.12 of Text).


Input/Output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts – Interrupt Hardware, Enabling and Disabling Interrupts, Handling Multiple Devices, Controlling Device Requests, Direct Memory Access(upto 4.2.4 and 4.4 except 4.4.1 of Chap 4 of Text).


Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories-Internal organization of memory chips, Static memories, Asynchronous DRAMS, Read Only Memories, Cash Memories, Virtual Memories, Secondary Storage-Magnetic Hard Disks (5.1, 5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3, 5.5 (except 5.5.1 to 5.5.4), 5.7 (except 5.7.1), 5.9, 5.9.1 of Chap 5 of Text).


Basic Processing Unit: Some Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Multiple Bus Organization, Hardwired Control, Microprogrammed Control (up to 7.5 except 7.5.1 to 7.5.6 of Chap 7 of Text).

Course Faq



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18EC35 | Computer Organization and Architecture Vtu Notes
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