The Complete 18cs35 | Software Engineering Notes
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2018 Scheme | CSE Department
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- 5 Modules
Software Engineering (18CS35) | Vtu Notes
Course Code: 18CS33
Course Title: Software Engineering
University: Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
Software Engineering is a fundamental course in computer science and software development programs. It focuses on the principles, processes, and methodologies used to design, develop, test, and maintain software systems. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to produce high-quality software within time and budget constraints.
Typical Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to Software Engineering:
- Definition and objectives of software engineering.
- Software development life cycle models (Waterfall, Agile, etc.).
2. Software Requirements Engineering:
- Requirements elicitation, analysis, and documentation.
- Use case modeling and requirements specification.
3. Software Design:
- Architectural design and design patterns.
- Object-oriented design principles.
- User interface design.
4. Software Implementation and Testing:
- Programming techniques and best practices.
- Unit testing and integration testing.
- Test-driven development (TDD).
5. Software Project Management:
- Project planning and scheduling.
- Risk management.
- Agile project management (Scrum, Kanban).
6. Software Quality Assurance:
- Software quality attributes (reliability, maintainability, etc.).
- Quality assurance processes and techniques.
7. Software Maintenance and Evolution:
- Software maintenance phases and challenges.
- Software reengineering and reverse engineering.
8. Software Configuration Management:
- Version control systems.
- Change management and versioning.
9. Software Ethics and Legal Issues:
- Intellectual property rights.
- Ethical considerations in software development.
10. Software Tools and Technologies:
- Introduction to software development tools and environments.
11. Case Studies and Real-World Examples:
- Analysis of software development projects.
- Learning from both successful and failed projects.
12. Group Projects and Presentations:
- Collaborative software development experience.
- Presentation of project outcomes.
The content and emphasis of the course may vary depending on the specific curriculum of your institution and the instructor's preferences. It's essential to refer to the official course materials and notes provided by your university to get the most accurate and up-to-date information for your course.
What you will Learn?
Introduction: Software Crisis, Need for Software Engineering. Professional Software Development, Software Engineering Ethics. Case Studies.
Software Processes: Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Model and Spiral Model. Process activities.
Requirements Engineering: Requirements Engineering Processes. Requirements Elicitation and Analysis. Functional and non-functional requirements. The software Requirements Document. Requirements Specification. Requirements validation. Requirements Management.
What is Object orientation? What is OO development? OO Themes; Evidence for the usefulness of OO development; OO modelling history. Modelling as Design technique: Modelling; abstraction; The Three models. Introduction, Modelling Concepts and Class Modelling: What is Object orientation? What is OO development? OO Themes; Evidence for the usefulness of OO development; OO modelling history. Modelling as Design technique: Modelling; abstraction; The Three models. Class Modelling: Object and Class Concept; Link and associations concepts; Generalization and Inheritance; A sample class model; Navigation of class models;
System Models: Context models. Interaction models. Structural models. Behavioural models. Model-driven engineering.
Design and Implementation: Introduction to RUP, Design Principles. Object-oriented design using the UML. Design patterns. Implementation issues. Open source development.
Software Testing: Development testing, Test-driven development, Release testing, User testing. Test Automation.
Software Evolution: Evolution processes. Program evolution dynamics. Software maintenance. Legacy system management.
Project Planning: Software pricing. Plan-driven development.
Project scheduling: Estimation techniques.
Quality management: Software quality. Reviews and inspections. Software measurement and metrics. Software standards
Course Curriculum & Downloads Module Wise
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