VTU Module-1 | Network Models


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  • 2018 Scheme | ECE Department

18EC71 | COMPUTER NETWORKS | Module-1 VTU Notes

Protocol Layering:

Protocol layering is a design principle in computer networking that organizes communication protocols into distinct layers, each responsible for specific functions. This approach enhances modularity, scalability, and ease of maintenance in network systems. Layering allows for the abstraction of complex networking tasks into manageable components, promoting interoperability and flexibility.

Scenarios and Principles:

In various networking scenarios, protocol layering ensures that each layer performs a specific set of functions, with well-defined interfaces between them. This separation of concerns simplifies the design, maintenance, and troubleshooting of network systems. The principles of protocol layering involve creating a hierarchy of layers, each focusing on a particular aspect of communication, such as data formatting, error detection, or routing.

Logical Connections:

Within a protocol stack, logical connections between layers facilitate the flow of information. These connections define how data is passed from one layer to another, ensuring that each layer operates independently while contributing to the overall functionality of the network.

TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Layered Architecture:

The TCP/IP protocol suite is a widely adopted set of protocols for internet communication, and it follows a layered architecture. The architecture comprises four main layers: Application, Transport, Internet, and Link. Each layer has specific responsibilities, and data moves through these layers during the communication process.

Layers in TCP/IP Suite:

  1. Application Layer: Responsible for end-user services and applications, such as HTTP, FTP, and DNS.
  2. Transport Layer: Manages end-to-end communication, ensuring reliable and efficient data transfer. Common protocols include TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
  3. Internet Layer: Handles addressing and routing, with the primary protocol being IP (Internet Protocol).
  4. Link Layer: Concerned with the physical connection between devices, dealing with issues like framing, addressing, and error detection.

Description of Layers:

  • Encapsulation and Decapsulation: Data is encapsulated at each layer as it moves down the protocol stack and decapsulated as it moves up. This encapsulation ensures that each layer adds the necessary information for proper functioning.
  • Addressing: Each layer may add addressing information to facilitate routing and delivery. For example, IP addresses at the Internet layer.
  • Multiplexing and Demultiplexing: Multiplexing combines multiple streams of data into a single stream, while demultiplexing separates them at the receiving end. This ensures efficient use of network resources.

The OSI Model: OSI Versus TCP/IP:

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is an alternative to the TCP/IP model. While both models share similar concepts of layering, the OSI model has seven layers, providing a more detailed framework for understanding network communication. The TCP/IP model, with its four layers, is more commonly implemented in practice, and it has become the de facto standard for the internet. The key difference lies in the number and naming of layers, but the core principles of layering remain consistent across both models.

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