VTU Module - 5 |


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  • 2018 Scheme | CSE Department

18EC72 | BIG DATA ANALYTICS | Module-5 VTU Notes

Brief Summary of Key Data Analysis Topics:


1. Regression Analysis:

  • What it is: A statistical technique to model the relationship between a dependent variable (what you want to predict) and one or more independent variables (what influences it).
  • How it works: Fits a line or curve through the data points to capture the underlying trend and predicts values for the dependent variable based on the independent variables.
  • Applications: Forecasting, understanding causal relationships, pricing analysis, risk assessment.


2. Finding Similar Items:

  • What it is: Identifying items with similar characteristics or features to a target item.
  • How it works: Uses distance metrics or machine learning algorithms to compare items based on features like product attributes, user preferences, or text content.
  • Applications: Recommendation systems, personalized search, content clustering, anomaly detection.


3. Similarity of Sets and Collaborative Filtering:

  • Similarity of Sets: Measuring the overlap between two sets of items or users.
  • Collaborative Filtering: Recommending items to a user based on the preferences of similar users (user-based) or similar items (item-based).
  • Applications: Recommendation systems, social network analysis, market segmentation.


4. Frequent Itemsets and Association Rule Mining:

  • Frequent Itemsets: Identifying sets of items that frequently appear together in a dataset.
  • Association Rule Mining: Discovering rules that relate the presence of one itemset to the presence of another, revealing hidden patterns and correlations.
  • Applications: Market basket analysis, customer segmentation, cross-selling recommendations, fraud detection.



  • These are just snippets, each topic deserves deeper exploration.
  • The choice of analysis technique depends on the specific data and question at hand.
  • Combining these techniques can lead to powerful insights and advanced data-driven solutions.


I hope this summary helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about specific topics.

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