Object orientation


  • 4.9
  • 2018 Scheme | CSE Department


VTU | 18CS35 | Module -2


Object Orientation and OO Development

Object Orientation (OO): Object Orientation is a paradigm in software engineering that revolves around organizing code into discrete, reusable units called objects. Objects encapsulate data and behavior, promoting modularity and reusability.

OO Development: Object-Oriented (OO) Development is an approach to software development that emphasizes the use of object-oriented principles to design, develop, and maintain software systems.

OO Themes: Key themes in OO development include encapsulation, abstraction, modularity, inheritance, and polymorphism. These concepts promote flexibility, maintainability, and efficient design.

Evidence for Usefulness: OO development has shown benefits such as improved code organization, reusability, ease of maintenance, and scalability. It aligns well with real-world problem-solving.

OO Modelling History: The practice of modeling in OO development has evolved to enhance design clarity, communication, and the understanding of complex systems.

Modelling as a Design Technique

Modelling: Modelling is a design technique that involves creating abstractions of real-world entities and relationships within a software system. Models facilitate better understanding and communication among stakeholders.

Abstraction: Abstraction involves focusing on essential attributes and behaviors while ignoring irrelevant details. It simplifies complex systems and aids in comprehending their underlying structure.

The Three Models: In software engineering, three primary models are used: conceptual model (representing high-level ideas), specification model (defining requirements), and implementation model (realizing the software system).

Introduction to Modelling Concepts and Class Modelling

Object and Class Concept: Objects are instances of classes, which are blueprints defining attributes and methods. Objects interact by exchanging messages, invoking methods on other objects.

Link and Associations Concepts: Links represent relationships between objects. Associations define connections between classes and describe how objects of one class relate to objects of another class.

Generalization and Inheritance: Generalization allows the creation of a superclass that captures common attributes and behaviors, while subclasses inherit and extend these characteristics.

A Sample Class Model: A class model represents classes, their attributes, methods, and relationships. It provides a visual representation of the structure of a software system.

Navigation of Class Models: Navigation involves traversing class models to understand relationships and dependencies among classes, aiding in system comprehension and design refinement.

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