VTU Module-3 |


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  • 2018 Scheme | CSE Department

18EC72 | BIG DATA ANALYTICS | Module-3 VTU Notes

Unveiling NoSQL: Big Data Management with Flexibility and Scale

This summary explores the world of NoSQL databases, specifically focusing on **big data management with MongoDB and Cassandra.


NoSQL Overview:

  • Beyond rigid schemas: NoSQL databases move away from the fixed table structures of traditional SQL databases, offering flexibility for diverse data formats and evolving needs.
  • Data Architecture Patterns: Key-value, document, wide-column, and graph are some NoSQL patterns providing efficient storage and retrieval for various data types.
  • Big Data Taming: NoSQL's horizontal scalability tackles massive datasets by distributing data across multiple nodes, empowering big data management.


Shared-Nothing Architecture:

  • Independent Powerhouses: Nodes in a shared-nothing architecture handle data and queries autonomously, eliminating bottlenecks and boosting fault tolerance.
  • Big Data Tasks Unleashed: This architecture's parallelism accelerates data processing, making it ideal for complex big data analytics and real-time operations.


MongoDB and Cassandra:

  • MongoDB: Document-oriented NoSQL database excelling in flexibility, performance, and ease of use, popular for web applications and real-time data.
  • Cassandra: Wide-column NoSQL database built for high availability and scalability, ideal for handling massive, time-series data like sensor readings and logs.


Key Takeaways:

  • NoSQL empowers big data management with flexible data models and horizontal scalability.
  • Shared-nothing architecture unleashes power and reliability for demanding big data tasks.
  • MongoDB and Cassandra provide distinct strengths for various big data scenarios.


Beyond this summary:

Each topic deserves deeper exploration. This quick snapshot aims to spark your curiosity and encourage further delve into the exciting realm of NoSQL and its big data capabilities.


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