VTU Module - 4 | Digital Multimeter


  • 4.9
  • 2018 Scheme | ECE Department



In the field of electrical and electronic engineering, various instruments and techniques are essential for precise measurements and analysis. This summary highlights key concepts related to digital multimeters, digital frequency meters, digital measurement of time, function generators, and bridges, which are crucial for understanding and working with electrical circuits.

1. Digital Multimeter (DMM):

  • A digital multimeter is a versatile measuring instrument used to quantify electrical parameters such as voltage, current, and resistance.
  • It provides precise digital readouts, making it user-friendly and accurate.
  • DMMs are widely employed in circuit troubleshooting, maintenance, and testing due to their convenience and reliability.

2. Digital Frequency Meter:

  • A digital frequency meter is designed to measure the frequency of an alternating current (AC) signal.
  • It displays the frequency in Hertz (Hz), making it useful for evaluating the performance of oscillators, generators, and communication systems.

3. Digital Measurement of Time:

  • Digital devices can accurately measure time intervals, facilitating tasks such as time-dependent control in electronics and automation.
  • These measurements are vital in applications like pulse-width modulation (PWM) and digital signal processing (DSP).

4. Function Generator:

  • A function generator is an electronic instrument that produces various types of waveforms, including sine, square, triangular, and arbitrary waveforms.
  • It is an essential tool for generating test signals, simulating real-world conditions, and verifying the functionality of circuits and systems.

5. Bridges for Resistance Measurement:

(a) Wheatstone's Bridge:

  • Wheatstone's bridge is a precise instrument for measuring an unknown resistance by comparing it to known resistances.
  • It is widely used for resistance measurements and sensor calibration.

(b) AC Bridges - Capacitance and Inductance Comparison Bridge:

  • AC bridges are specialized instruments used for accurately measuring capacitance and inductance in AC circuits.
  • They rely on the principle of balanced bridge circuits to determine unknown values.

(c) Wien's Bridge:

  • Wien's bridge is a frequency-dependent bridge circuit used for measuring the frequency of AC signals.
  • It provides a balanced condition when the frequency of the signal matches the bridge's resonance frequency.

Understanding these concepts and instruments is fundamental for engineers and technicians working in electronics, electrical, and communication systems, as they enable precise measurement, testing, and analysis in various applications.

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18EC36 | Power Electronics & Instrumentation Vtu Notes
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